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Servicios de escaneo  láser 3D & modelos As-Built

Reconstruimos la geometría de elementos e infraestructuras mediante escáner láser 3D

Marine laser scanning for BWTS (Ballast water treatment system) - Bulk Carrier Ship 81398 t retrofit

Actualizado: 29 jun 2022

Our 3D scanning is a developing tool that is increasingly used in the maritime industry and allows to get a very accurate “as build” of the scanned area. This information can be used for different purposes, such as:

· Installation of Ballast water treatment system (BWTS) in existing ship

· Installation of Scrubber in existing ship

· Visualization of damage to ship structure

· Any alteration done to a ship structure or systems.

After the point cloud has been engineered into an as build model, manipulations can be made such as:

· Import ballast water systems

· Import exhaust scrubber installation

· Make any kind of changes to the environment

· Repair damages

· Others

A misconception regarding 3D scanning is that the scanner does all the work and that what comes out of the scanner is a ready model that shows all you need. The point cloud is the raw data that has to be engineered into a workable 3D model. The actual scanning activity is in many cases only a small part of the total scope of the project.

Naval Laser scanning - Ballast water treatment system (BWTS) - Spain, Italy, Turkey, Malta, France, Gibraltar, Barcelona
Marine Laser scanning - Ballast water treatment system (BWTS)

The quality of a scanning projects is as good as the quality of the scan and the engineering / modelling work that is done on the point cloud. One of the major parts that determines the quality of the point cloud is the scanning device itself. Scanphase uses the latest models of Leica to ensure best resolution and most efficient scanning.

The use of laser scanning in shipbuilding is a technology that helps shipyards deliver projects faster, more efficiently and with less risk. We are a company that specializes in quickly and accurately capturing current conditions, using the latest proven technologies in laser scanning and precision elevation, to achieve best practices for boat repair and new construction.

Marine Laser scanning - Ballast water treatment system (BWTS) - Spain, Italy, Turkey, Malta, France, Gibraltar, Barcelona
Naval Laser scanning - Ballast water treatment system (BWTS)

Scanphase collaborates with naval companies and field specialists and offers high quality services for shipping companies in all European ports (Portugal, France, Italy, Spain, Malta, Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, Turkey, ...), Spanish ports (Valencia, Algeciras, Barcelona, Las Palmas, Bilbao, Santander, Tarragona, El Ferrol, Cartagena, Avilés ...) and North Africa.


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